Poet warrior's Blog: Poems, articles and musings.

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  1. Today for the first time


    Today for the first time

    I saw your face

    And a question

    To which I know,

    I am the answer.


    Today for the first time

    I heard your voice

    And a melody

    To which I know,

    I am the refrain.


    Today for the first time

    I felt a beat

    And a rhythm

    To which I know,

    I must dance.


    Today for the first time

    I saw us together

    And a bliss

    For which I know,

    I must seek.



  2. Lotus, Beautiful one


    You balance on the waters

    With regal equanimity,

    You grace deities’ hands.


    Harried by the water’s sway

    Do devotees question your roots?

    Do they exalt your murky origins?


    Is your journey honoured?

    Do lovers know of your yearning?

    Do they bless your reaching the light?


    ‘Circled like a glowing moon

    Do viewers know of you longing?

    Do they feel your solitude?


    Seemingly floating aloft

    Grounded in the mud and mire

    You bridge the zenith and nadir

    Beautiful one, Lotus
