Poet warrior's Blog: Poems, articles and musings.

Tales of love and confusion - A time will come

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A time will come

A time will come

when you'll return to 

a safe place

a familiar shore

and ask

I lived here,

do you remember me?

And they'll answer.

I watched you learn,

I watched you grow,

Yes, I still remember you.


A time will come

when you'll return to 

a safe place

a familiar shore

and ask

I loved here, 

do you  still care for me?


And they'll answer

I heard your tears,

I shared your laughter.

Yes, I still care for you.


A time will come

when you'll return to 

a safe place

a familiar shore

and ask

I left here,

Do you forgive me?


And they'll answer

I applauded your plans,

I mourned your misfortunes,

expecting change,

there's nothing to forgive.



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