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  1. Resisting the call to adventure


    Standing in the dark,

    You’ll never know if it’s

    The familiarity of the shadows

    Or the fear of the light

    That drives.


    Standing on the outside

    You’ll never know

    If it’s the comfort of


    Or the strangeness

    of acceptance

    that compels you.


    Standing on the edge

    You’ll never know

    If it’s the desire to drown

    Or the need to swim

    That saves you.


    Again and again you’ll

    Be called.

    To allow success or

    To fight to lose

    So will you accept

    Or reject

    The call to adventure




  2. Sing slow dulcimer

    Sing slow dulcimer,

    With your throaty voice

    Tell tales of Distant lands.

    Lands where the winds tousle the sands

    Lands where the sunlight dances like water in the distance.


    Sing slow dulcimer,

    With your enchanting voice

    Tell tales of nightingales

    In perfumed trees

    Who watch beauty stare

    Disconsolately at its surroundings.

    The tinkling of fountains jars

    And the fragrance of roses cloys.

    The boundless gardens of a king’s palace

    Are now a walled cage.


    Sing slow dulcimer,

    With your seducing voice

    Tell tales of a lover,

    Born like a lily in the mire.

    Unaware of its own virtue or beauty


