Poet warrior's Blog: Poems, articles and musings.

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» Listings for June 2013

  1. Future Perfect


    One day

    the bullets will stop

    as all wars will end,

    and Children will laugh

    as that’s what they do!


    One day

    lovers won’t flinch

    a beloved’s return,

    and Children will laugh

    as that’s what they do!


    One day

    farmers won’t sell land

    to buy barren seed,

    and Children will laugh

    as that’s what they do!


    One day

    the lost will return

    with joys untold,

    and Children will laugh

    as that’s what they do!


    One day

    who I love won’t

    eclipse that I love,

    and Children will laugh

    as that’s what they do!


    One day

    all nations will eat,

    all will have plenty

    and Children will laugh

    as that’s what they do!


    One day

    Earth won’t be raped,

    contented we’ll be

    and Children will laugh

    as that’s what they do!


    One day

    each will have a song,

    so I’ll be silent

    and Children will laugh

    as that’s what they do!
