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» Listings for 2013
Tales of Love and Confusion - Coz tears don't do it anymore
Posted on
Coz tears don't do it for me anymore
I'm gonna shout your name
rather than whisper it
coz tears don't do it for me anymore.
I'm gonna dance on your doorstep
rather than shuffle past your gate
coz tears don't do it for me anymore.
I'm gonna wear a rainbow
rather than hid in the greys
coz tears don't do it for me anymore
I'm gonna smile at the sun
rather than cry in the rain
coz tears don't do it for me anymore
I'm gonna share my truth
rather than repeat platitudes
coz tears don't do it for me anymore.
I'm gonna demand my rights
rather than hope for pity
coz tears don't do it for me anymore.
Tales of Love and Confusion - Unshed Tears
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Unshed Tears
Unshed tears
where do you go?
To drown the sighs
of a lonely boy.
Unshed tears
where do you go?
To damn the dreams
of a worthless man.
Unshed tears
where do you go?
to flood the defenses
of a weak man.
Unshed tears
where do you go?
to wash away the path
of a lost boy.